Dyeing Batting using RIT dyes
After reading Judy Coates Perez's article in Quilting Arts Magazine (Dec/Jan 2009), I decided to try dyeing batting with RIT dyes. Like most quilters, I have scads of batting scraps lying around. What really got my attention, though, was the potential of using batting for needle felting. My expectations were low, having used RIT dyes once before to dye a costume for one of my kids (no photos of THAT disaster, lol).... but I was pleasantly surprised at the depth of color I got using the low water immersion technique Judy outlined in her article.
One caveat: Given that one package of powder only dyes about 1/2 yard of batting, this is probably not the most cost efficient way to dye -- although it is certainly easy and fast. I tried to dye some fusible interfacing, too, but the kind I had on hand must have had too much polyester content and not enough nylon, because it came out very pale and boring.
I am in the process of making a really cool project, and will post pictures when I am a bit further along. This is so much fun!