Sunday, February 14, 2016

Stringing you along

I didn't think to take a photo of the last quilt I made.  It was a gift for a friend and I was in a hurry to finish it before she had her baby... and that was more than a year ago.  So this is the only image I have:

I really like string quilts, and this pattern in particular.  It is visually complicated, but so easy to make.  I like that it involves very little measuring or precision -- and allows maximum freedom to play with color.

Now I'm working on a version in a completely different colorway. 

Don't look for a finished version anytime soon.  These days, life tends to get in the way of quilting.  The most I can do seems to be handwork while I'm on the train.  I've been working on these little pillows to turn into a journal cover, a la Teesha Moore.  It's nice to find a use for all the fabric I've dyed, printed, doodled, and batiked over the years!

Thank heaven there are a lot of train trips in my future!