Sunday, January 30, 2011

This time it's red.

Here's what I'm working on now: I needle felted different red colored roving, along with some RIT-dyed batting to a base of craft felt. Then I added some orange roving and red/purple sari ribbons as accents. I am thinking about doing a similar piece in many different colors and incorporating them all together into a larger "quilt" later on. Or maybe not. It's just so much fun to play with the colors. Sometimes I think I try too hard to make my work "mean" something, when it should really be about being in the moment and enjoying the process.

red needle felted piece (no stitching yet)

Here's a second version. I've been adding stitching to this one, but I'm not entirely satisfied because there is very little contrast -- so the stitches fade into the background.
red needle felted piece with stitching
The next two photos are details, so you can see the stitching. Definitely too subtle, so that's the next thing I have to work on!

stitching detail

stitching detail

Friday, January 28, 2011

More Needle Felting....

I have been working on needle felting lately. I love the work of Jan Beaney & Jean Littlejohn andMaggie Grey and would love to take classes in their style of embroidery. It does seem to be a British thing, though. Sigh.
Here are some pieces I did over the summer. I'll post the one I'm working on now tomorrow if I can make some more progress!

needle felted journal front

journal front, originally uploaded by 100h2ofan.

This is how I imagined the Lake District to feel like. Hmmm, I have to work on my colors!

needle felted journal (back)

journal back, originally uploaded by 100h2ofan.

Needle Felted Pin Case

needle felted pin case2 , originally uploaded by 100h2ofan.

needle felted pin case

needle felted pin case1 , originally uploaded by 100h2ofan.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I have decided that I am no longer going to be a lurker. I joined the Sketchbook Challenge this year, and the theme for January is "highly prized." One of the things I value most these days is the internet community. I am constantly amazed at the creativity of the people who share their lives and their art online. I am humbled by the generosity of these same people, who share their ideas, techniques and knowledge with all of us. I have been a consumer, and now resolve to give back, by participating in this incredible world of give and take.